I have creative projects scattered all over the internet. A friend suggested that I gather a few together all in one place, so I will start adding a few highlights on this links page. Let me know if you have any favorite Will Hale items to feature. Thanks! Will Hale

10 Ways to get and keep kids attention is one of my most popular presentations at educational conferences and professional development trainings.
Click here for a highlights summary of The Best Ways to get and keep kids attention.

Have you seen the most viewed Will Hale Tadpole Parade YouTube video?
I play the Acorn Song at the end of almost every one of my concerts. It’s a fantastic way to get kids chilled out after plenty of intense air guitar jamming. This is a fairly wobbly version. It usually goes even smoother. I would like to record a new version teachers and parents can use. This one seems to be pretty popular anyway.

The HEARTFUL HARMONY SYSTEM is my latest project.
After years of preparation I am happy to begin sharing this simple transformative process I have used and developed over decades of personal experience.
You can sign up for the free Harmony Refresh Quick Start Gifts here www.HarmonyRefresh.com
Heartfulness is our natural state of Harmony
Heartfulness is a process of being who you are and becoming more of all you are.
The Heartful Harmony System www.HeartfulHarmony.com
Click Read More for Heartful Milestones.

One Light, Many Reflections
I wasn’t trying to be a writer. It surprised me when I looked through the stack of handwritten notebooks stored in plastic tubs under my bed and realized, I have written over three thousand pages. It started as writing one page songwriting idea snap shots. I don’t write books, I write pages or at my best, distilled wisdom condensed into a single quote.
With over forty handwritten notebooks starting in 1990, great progress has been made in typing all my original volumes from 2007 – 2022 and stepping into the process of selecting highlights for my first compilation titled “One Light, Many Reflections”
I started sharing my writing on the SoulSpring blog in 2019 until the site closed and all the post were deleted. I will eventually repost samples and highlights.
I write from observation, not imagination. I write one page at a time, with only one to five words per line. The structure can look like poetry but has more to do with the physical limitations of a handwritten page and my desire to emphasize multiple meanings. My Page poems are a combination of songwriting sketch pad and journal.
Please send me a message if you would like to be part of the review team to read, preview, organize and suggest highlights to be included in my first published compilation
One Light, Many Reflections. Thanks! Will Hale https://www.heartfulharmony.com/contact/
Category:Heartful Harmony

Every Heart — Message of Hope and Inspiration
Music by Lynn McKenna
My friend Lynn McKenna wrote this beautiful song, Every Heart. I love, love, love the pure heart of her voice!
I made this video with quite a few of my original photos, including my sister Cindy’s Heart Rock.

Did you know Will Hale is featured in the fun rock star recipe book,
Food That Rocks by Margie Lapanja, Cindy Coverdale. Will Hale is in good company with Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Jacqueline Pierce, Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Sarah McLachlan, Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead, Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins, John Lodge of The Moody Blues, Alex Ligertwood of Santana, Brian May of Queen, David Coverdale of Deep Purple & Whitesnake.
Amazon has a few nice collectible copies.
My classic peanut butter on toast with corn chips sandwich was one of my favorite recipes I shared and of course we could not record a Tadpole Parade CD without my Mom’s homemade banana bread!

For many years I produced, FAMILY GROOVE a weekly kids music program at KFAI Community Radio www.kfai.org
We consistently pushed the boundaries of traditional purple dinosaur “Children’s Music” geared for 1-3 year olds, by providing music that can open the doors of awareness to the unlimited possibilities of music, to blaze a trail for a smooth transition to music kids will never have to outgrow.
You can listen to a full Family Groove program archived here.
I made a Spotify playlist to share some of our favorite Family Groove music. Get your groove on!
Category:Tadpole Parade Kids Music

Have you noticed? Just about every Will Hale and The Tadpole Parade song is available on Spotify to stream any time you like! Plus I get a 100th of a penny royalty every time you listen, WoooHooo!
There is a link for donations on my Spotify artist page. Any contribution is appreciated!
You can get a Spotify music account for free if you don’t already have one.
Listen to Will Hale and The Tadpole Parade on Spotify
You can find Will Hale and the Tadpole Parade music on most streaming platforms.
Category:Tadpole Parade Kids Music

I Love Water – Relaxing River – We Stand for Harmony – We Stand for Life
This is one of the best trickling river recordings I have ever heard. It was recorded by professional studio engineers with microphones that cost more than my car! This is the river sounds you can hear at the end of my version of Brokedown Palace on my Grateful Kids album.
A short high quality I Love Water – stereo audio wave recording is available Here.
I am deeply passionate about preserving and protecting our fresh water and encouraging lifestyles more in Harmony with Nature. Please read more…
Category:Heartful Harmony

I made this page for my traditional Mother’s Day post but it needs to be up EVERY DAY! Because I really LOVE MY MOTHER!
I have added Fathers, Family and other verses to my live performances. I need to record a new version.
Click here to listen – I Love My Mother
A song by Will Hale and The Tadpole Parade
Featuring 400 very loud kids that Love their Mothers!

If you Love your mother, sing it loud!
and please share this song link with others.
Category:Tadpole Parade Kids Music

Legacy – Original Piano Compositions by Floyd Wallace (1934-2015)
“Many people die with their music still in them.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes
Thankfully, before his passing February 28, 2015, my friend Floyd Wallace left us the gift of his musical legacy: Compositions crafted though his lifetime and held closely with only a few friends and family. In his final days Floyd personally selected the compositions to be included in this compilation. Through his creativity and generosity, the treasure of Floyd’s music is now available to the whole world. Enjoy!
You can listen to the whole Legacy album by clicking here or visit Spotify and search Floyd Wallace.
Hard copy CDs are available at Amazon Click Read more for review

Free Song Download of After I’m Gone
I wrote AFTER I’M GONE three days after being at Brent Mydland’s last show.
This song is dedicated to all the great musicians that continue to touch our hearts even after they are gone.
You can listen to the whole GRATEFUL KIDS album, full versions of every song for free including a nice version of BROKEDOWN PALACE at https://willhaletadpoleparade.bandcamp.com/album/grateful-kids
Post your favorite Brent shows/songs/stories in the video comments.
Will Hale
Tadpole Parade
Note to Family and Friends:
Please play After I’m Gone at my funeral. Thanks! Will Hale
Grateful Kids jumping to a spontaneous pre-show sound check jam!
After I’m Gone is my most popular dancing song for toddlers!
Click here to listen to Brokedown Palace and the the whole Grateful Kids album.